Sunday, December 9, 2012

Worldwide Candle Lighting 2012

Tonight at 7pm, I will be joining others around the globe for The Compassionate Friends' Worldwide Candle Lighting for children gone too soon, "...that their light may always shine.

Please consider joining us by lighting a candle for Sekai and anyone else you want to remember. As we light our candles and speak their names at 7pm, local time, wherever we are, around the globe, the glow will illuminate our love and the chorus will announce our loved ones:
Sekai Ayinde
Kibwe Ayinde
J. Hope
J. Hope
L. Hope
A. Hope


Please, I invite you to use the comments section below to share a name, picture, memory, or anything else from your heart.

Please, remember Sekai. Please, remember them all. Please, remember.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"I got to love you"

When they lay me down, put my soul to rest
When they ask me how I spent my life
At least I got to love you
   -Alicia Keys
   Lyrics from “When it’s all over” as quoted on the television show Katie.

Friday, November 9, 2012


[I actually thought that I had posted this earlier this week, but apparently it did not upload. C-O-N-spiracy, I tell you...or, you know, maybe the keyboard stuck. Nevertheless, the message still stands, as does the memory, hence this post.]
When I went to vote in 2008, I took Sekai with me. After being reminded that he wasn't old enough to vote, and being reassured that people who have disabilities are indeed allowed to vote if they are old enough, he replied, "Well, I hope Obama wins so I can vote for him next time."

"Next time" isn't promised to anyone, regardless of party affiliation or political ideology. If you have not already done so, please, VOTE!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

tell them, again and again

“A subject that needs reform should be kept before the public until it demands reform.”
- Hugh Clegg, Editor of the BMJ from 1947 to 1965

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Ice cream cake, like the one we had for his 4th birthday. Sekai would have been 19 years old on October 8, 2012, were he still on this side. Happy birthday, Bootsie!

(Though the post is late, neither the sentiment nor the acknowledgement of his birthday were delayed.)

Monday, June 18, 2012


(still no words)