Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"I got to love you"

When they lay me down, put my soul to rest
When they ask me how I spent my life
At least I got to love you
   -Alicia Keys
   Lyrics from “When it’s all over” as quoted on the television show Katie.

Friday, November 9, 2012


[I actually thought that I had posted this earlier this week, but apparently it did not upload. C-O-N-spiracy, I tell you...or, you know, maybe the keyboard stuck. Nevertheless, the message still stands, as does the memory, hence this post.]
When I went to vote in 2008, I took Sekai with me. After being reminded that he wasn't old enough to vote, and being reassured that people who have disabilities are indeed allowed to vote if they are old enough, he replied, "Well, I hope Obama wins so I can vote for him next time."

"Next time" isn't promised to anyone, regardless of party affiliation or political ideology. If you have not already done so, please, VOTE!