Thursday, December 17, 2009


One day as we were talking about his past, and his feelings about it all, Sekai said to me, "They took my liberty." I asked him to explain what he meant by liberty. "You know, liberty, make my own decisions..." He went on: freedom to use his powerchair, to go to a school that would teach him to read, to see his friends outside of school, to be able to walk, to live with his family. "To make my own decisions about how I want to live my life."

Months later as I was helping him get ready for bed, Jeopardy was on in the background. Alex Trebek: "'Give me liberty, or give me death.'" Sekai: "Ooh, that's a good one." "Yes it is," I replied at first, thinking he was talking about it being a good question since people probably knew it, or maybe that it was a good quote. Then I considered the words, and quickly added, "...but not for you!"

Now, I wonder if he knew about the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, or the Convention on the Rights of the Child, neither of which have yet to be ratified by the United States.

He did not believe he would ever have his liberty...

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